TallyBee for Android phones is a simple counting application. Touch the numbers on the screen to increment the count. Easy Peasy.

Conceived by a knitter, there are many uses.

  • · Counting rows while knitting.
  • · Science experiments.
  • · Pushups - touch the phone with your nose at the bottom of each pushup!
  • · Counting reps or laps.

What do you use TallyBee for? Let us know!

In future releases

We have plans for further development, this is just the first release, since our developer felt that this limited functionality was already a huge improvement over what is currently available on the Android App Market.

  • · Swipe left/right to reset the counter (to something other than 0).
  • · Count memory: recall up to 10 different counters.
  • · Option to add sound/light feedback on incrementing the counter.